Friday, May 30, 2008

Taking Action and the Law of Attraction

Twice within the past week, once while reading a book about writing and again while reading a daily meditation, I came upon the topic of pursuing dreams. The gist of each of these writings is that if you have a dream, once you set your mind to achieving it by taking action, the universe moves and makes resources (creativity, insight, money, people, etc.) available to you that you may never have believed possible. It's the law of attraction at its best and most powerful!

I've experienced this myself. A few months ago, I was given the gift of some free software called Promoter Full. To be honest, it is not the most user friendly software. After downloading it to my computer and fooling around with it for several hours, I became frustrated and moved on to other tasks. Well, I did not even think about Promoter Full for a week or so. Then one night as I lay in bed, it hit me. I knew exactly how to use that software!

The next morning, I got up, turned on my computer, and pulled up Promoter Full. And sure enough, I had it all figured out. I immediately used that software to post to a couple of Google Groups and other sites to which I belong. I taught three of my Success Blueprint colleagues how to use it. Somehow, I had become proficient at Promoter Full! It was incredible and the only explanation is the universe (God) at work!

It truly is incredible how we become inspired or, better, how inspiration finds its way into our hearts and minds. So, the next time you have an idea, take action and see what tools and resources the universe makes available to you and BE THANKFUL for them.

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