Whether you have health insurance or not, whether you are for or against Obamacare, whether you are currently facing health issues or not, I think we can all agree that medical care is way more expensive than most of us can afford. Last year, I had major surgery and spent 2.5 days in the hospital. I came away with a hospital bill totaling over $35,000. Even with health insurance, I am responsible for over $5000 of that $35,000 bill.
So, today I am going to share some information that I believe will be useful to anyone who may be looking for ways to save money on medical care or who may be unable to get insurance due to a pre-existing condition.
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has a pre-existing condition insurance program that currently allows people who have been denied health insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition to obtain health insurance. Contrary to what some people believe, this insurance is available right now; you don't have to wait until 2014. The application is very simple and must be accompanied by a denial letter or exclusionary rider and proof of U.S. citizenship. To learn more, visit
The Scrips4Less Prescription Savings Card allows customers to save up to 85% on prescriptions at over 60,000 pharmacies across the U.S., including pharmacies in Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Scrips4Less Rx Savings Card is free, requires no activation, and never expires. Additionally, the Scrips4Less Prescription Discount card can be used to save up 70% on lab and imaging tests at over 6000 providers across the United States. To print your free Scrips4Less Rx Savings Card, go to
For many low income families, the decision to purchase prescription medications is also a decision to go without food or to miss the rent payment. No one should have to make such decisions. To help families that find themselves facing these kinds of life and death decisions, Scrips4Less offers the Patient Assistance Program. A family that qualifies for the Scrips4Less Patient Assistance Program, can purchase three brand name prescriptions per month for $69.95 or 4 or more brand name prescription medications for $99.95per month. For more information or to find out if your family qualifies for the Scrips4Less Patient Assistance Program, visit
According to the American Diabetes Association, 18.8 million adults and children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with diabetes and another 7.0 million have diabetes, but have not yet been officially diagnosed. For many of those living with diabetes, the cost of testing supplies and insulin can be very expensive. To help Americans who are living with diabetes, Scrips4Less has a supplies program that enables customers to save up to 50% on diabetic testing supplies. Some customers even qualify to receive a regular supply of insulin for free. To learn more about the Scrips4Less Diabetic Testing Supplies Program or to register as a customer, go to
Telemedicine is a growing trend in health care which allows patients to get routine medical care without making a trip to the doctor's office. One company that is on the cutting edge of the telehealth revolution is WebDocsNetwork. For as little as $19.99 per month, customers can have unlimited consultations with board-certified U.S. physicians via telephone, secure e-mail, or webcam. The physicians in the WebDocsNetwork can even write prescriptions and order lab tests. To learn more about WebDocsNetwork or to become a customer, go to
Being healthy and having access to quality medical care is a right, not a privilege. I hope that the information in this post helps someone get the medical care or medications they need.