These days you here so much about network marketing and multilevel marketing. There are thousands of opportunities out there offering promises of wealth and financial freedom. But, I'm not going to bad mouth any of these opportunities, I'm just going to tell you why I love NuLegacy.
First, as a NuLegacy rep, you don't have to sell anything! That's right, NuLegacy actually pays its reps to give away a FREE prescription discount card that can be used to save up to 75% on prescriptions at over 56,000 pharmacies nationwide. Since Sept. 2007, we've helped our members save over $6.6 million on prescriptions. And the NuLegacy Rx Card can also be used to save 40-70% on lab tests and diagnostic imaging.
Next, NuLegacy provides it's reps with a system that is easily duplicatible. NuLegacy offers superior training in an effort to ensure the success of all its reps. If a new representative follows our system, he or she can be earning money within a week or so of coming into the business.
Third, becoming a NuLegacy representative is affordable. For as little as $39.00/month, you can become a rep and start earning money immediately. Think about it. You can start working the NuLegacy business for less than it costs to buy a can of soda each day. That's right! For about $1.30/day, you can begin building the future you dream of with NuLegacy!
The fourth thing I love about NuLegacy is the compensation plan. NuLegacy is, perhaps, the only company around that is willing to pay it's reps a six figure income for giving away a FREE product. I've watched my income grow steadily over the 18 months I've been in the business and can't wait to see what the future holds!
Finally, NuLegacy's free rx discount card is actually making a difference in people's lives. With the current state of the economy, many people are struggling to make ends meet and the NuLegacy Rx Card gives them a real solution to a real problem by making buying prescription medications more affordable!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
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